中粮首届运动会 The First Sports Meet of COFCO

2012/11/3 20:43:57

    2012年11月2日,中粮首届运动会,此次运动会共有来自5个代表队的380人组成, 其中参赛运动员就有300人以上,充分体现了全员参与的理念,本次运动会在经过一天的角逐后,成功闭幕。勇创影像在此次活动中,提供4台专业摄像机,1台大型摇臂,1名抓拍级的摄影师。拍摄当天得到领导赞赏。

    Attending by 5 representative teams of total 380 people and athletes reaching 300, the first sports meet of COFCO opened on Nov.2, 2012. The sports meet fully demonstrated the sportsmanship by all people and was successfully closed after a severe-competing day. Shanghai YC used 4 professional vidicons and 1 large rocker. One candid photographer had also got into our team. The work that day was highly approved by leaders of the company. 

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