“统一冰红茶 酷玩滑板赛”"Uni-President Ice Black Tea, Cool Skateboard Race"


    “统一冰红茶 酷玩滑板赛”滑板,地球上最“酷”的运动。今年全国最大规模的滑板推广活动——统一冰红茶酷玩滑板赛首先在上海久光广场拉开了帷幕。这也是勇创影像首次拍摄滑板活动,从现场的气氛来看,有了一个超嗨的开始。

    Being the coolest sports in the world, the skateboard race held by Uni-President Enterprises--one of the biggest promotion events in China this year-- has set out at Shanghai Jiuguang Department Store. SH YC has shooted the skateboard race for the first time with positive attitude and high skills and the atmosphere at the sight is very high.

上一篇:SSCC上海超跑俱乐部 下一篇:汽车零配件展


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